Calorie Burning HIIT Workout

Posted by Ryderwear HQ on

You know what time is team Ryderwear, it’s cardio time! Yes, we did just use the forbidden word, and no, you’re not putting it off any longer. 

We get it, you’re a lifter, you don’t enjoy cardio. But your training program requires you to do it, and we’ve got a burner of a HIIT workout to get you pumped up and get your heart racing. 

To get you through it, we recruited a powerhouse team of women athletes to give you that extra dash of motivation. Before you know it, the dreaded cardio will be over!

Here's the workout breakdown: 

  • Jumping Jacks x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds ⁠
  • Alternating Reverse Lunges x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds⁠⠀

    1 minute rest ⁠⠀

  • AB Cycles x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds ⁠
  • Alternating Split Jumps x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds ⁠⠀

    1 minute rest 

  • High Knees x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds ⁠⠀
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 Seconds on | 10 Seconds off x 5 round⁠s 

  • Check out the tutorials below on how to safely complete each movement. 

    ✨Jumping Jacks x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds ⁠⠀



    Start with your feet together and your hands by your sides, push your feet and hands out quickly before bringing them back in. 

    ✨Alternating Reverse Lunges x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds⁠⠀



    Keeping your chest and head upright, reach back with one leg and lower yourself until your back knee is almost touching the ground before returning to the start position. Repeat on the other side, and aim to keep your hips, knees and ankles in line.  

    1 minute rest ⁠⠀

    ✨AB Cycles x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds ⁠



    Laying on your back with the support of your elbows, alternate by bringing your feet towards your body in a cycling motion. Make sure you keep your core engaged throughout the movement as you push your back into the ground. 

    ✨Alternating Split Jumps x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds ⁠⠀



    Starting in a split stance, lower yourself down in order to generate as much power as you can to propel yourself into the air. Whilst in the air, switch your front and back leg before you land. Upon landing, try to absorb the impact of your jump and keep knees fluid as you prepare to propel yourself into the air again. Keep repeating, and alternate each leg after each jump. It's important to keep your front shin as vertical as possible, and to keep your knees and ankles are in line with each other. 

    1 minute rest 


    ✨High Knees x 20 seconds on | 10 seconds off x 5 rounds ⁠⠀



    Keeping your chest up, bring your knees up as high as you can while running on the spot. 

    ✨Mountain Climbers x 20 Seconds on | 10 Seconds off x 5 round⁠s 



    Flex alternating knees to your chest while keeping your hips low and extending your back leg out to its original position. 
